Member Code of Conduct
BGC Camrose aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for all participants within our programs. We recognize the importance of positive behaviour support in promoting participant’s safety and development. We believe that relationship development is the foundation of positive behavior support. Through the development of strong relationships, staff are able to learn the reason for behaviour, and the comforts, likes, and dislikes of individual participants and can therefore implement a preventative and proactive practice of care.
In order to promote a fun, healthy and safe membership experience, members are expected to adhere to the BGC Camrose Member Code of Conduct:
- Make safe choices
- Respect yourself
- Respect others
- Respect property
- Be honest
- Be kind
- Use manners
- Follow staff instructions
- Let staff know if there is a problem
- Cooperate to work through problems
- Participate to the best of your ability
- Have Fun!
Members are discouraged from bringing money, electronics, valuables or personal belongings to programs. Personal belongings that disrupt activities, cause conflict or present a risk during programs may be confiscated and given to the parent/guardian upon pick up.
BGC Camrose does not tolerate bullying.
“Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.” – Anti-Bullying Alliance
Conflict and/or negative peer interactions do not necessarily equate to bullying.
Bullying exists when all four of the following elements are present:
- Bullying is hurtful
- Bullying is repetitive
- Bullying is intentional
- Bullying involves a power imbalance
BGC Camrose supports its members to resolve conflict peacefully and to develop the knowledge, skills and tools to develop and sustain positive and healthy relationships.
Any participant may be temporarily or permanently suspended from a program due to their behaviour, if that behaviour endangers the safety of themselves, other participants, staff, or the facility, and the behaviour cannot reasonably be corrected without risking further endangerment.
Members are expected to “cooperate to work through problems” by actively participating in our Conflict Resolution process.
Our goal is to resolve conflict between members as soon as possible, however; there are times when it is not possible to do so on the same day as the conflict (i.e. members resist, members picked up prior to conflict resolution, limited resources to address multiple conflicts, etc.). When we are unable to facilitate Conflict Resolution on the day the conflict occurred, Conflict Resolution will be facilitated on the next day that all involved members are present at Club.